Swimming in this enormous salt lake is an unforgettable experience, regardless of whether you find a spot on the Dead Sea Highway in Jordan or enjoy the Dead Sea in Israel.
Can you swim the Dead Sea? Yes, visiting the Dead Sea should be on your itinerary while in Jordan, but there are a few things you should know before you go.
For more information on swimming in the dead sea, please read this article.
Where Is The Dead Sea?
The Dead Sea is actually a saltwater lake n The lowest point on Earth is a lake in the Jordan Rift Valley that is 1,412 feet below sea level.
But what makes it even more distinctive is that it has the highest salt content of any body of water in the entire world. The Dead Sea is nearly 9 times saltier than the average ocean, which has a salinity of 4%.
The Dead Sea is so salinized that neither plants nor animals can survive there, thus its name. Swimming in the Dead Sea is practically impossible due to the lake’s increased density and high salt content. Instead, you’ll effortlessly float on the water.
You cannot push any part of your body downward; it is one of the craziest sensations I have ever felt. Just lay back and unwind because it’s difficult to even try to swim.
The high concentration of minerals like potassium and magnesium in the Dead Sea is also known to have therapeutic effects. One of the first natural spas ever built! Specific health advantages are also provided by the lower UV and increased oxygen concentration (about 15% more). There is no doubt that you will feel happier when you depart!
The proper way to benefit from the therapeutic effects of the Dead Sea is to first swim for about 15 minutes in the ocean, then exit and cover yourself in the natural mud (available at the resorts), then wait for it to dry for about 15 minutes.
Then, returning to the lake to remove the mud is easier with a little help. After that, take a shower outside with fresh water to clean up.
Your skin will be extremely soft and your hair will shine as a result of the high mineral content, which functions as a natural moisturizer. If you enjoy the experience, you can purchase Dead Sea goods in numerous stores across Jordan to bring them home with you or give them as presents.
What Draws So Many People To The Dead Sea?
There is evidence that the Dead Sea mud has many health advantages. The Dead Sea waters are said to help reduce pain and inflammation, and the mud is rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
Additionally, it is said to help some skin conditions. We can’t guarantee any of this, but the Dead Sea will at the very least leave your skin feeling soft.
Things To Remember When Swimming In The Dead Sea
Enjoy The Experience
You quickly realize that swimming in the Dead Sea calls for a lot of self-control and there are a lot of do’s and don’ts once you start reading swimming tips. Although the advice is always well-intended, it might stress you out.
What actually happens if I accidentally get a drop in my eye? What happens if I drop my camera in the lake? And so on.
So you won’t likely die if water gets in your eye. It will hurt for a short while before you wash it. Furthermore, it makes no difference whether you are in the Red Sea or the Dead Sea if you drop your camera into the water. It will still be destroyed.
Put an end to your fears by trying to enjoy yourself instead of dwelling on what might occur. Enjoy yourself, take your time, and embrace the experience whether you visit this place for a day trip from Jerusalem or spend a week in Ein Bokek. The Dead Sea is all about leisure and respite, so stay in the present.
This should be your frame of mind if you’ve ever seen the well-known photos of people reading newspapers in the Dead Sea. Put some mud on your skin if you visit a beach that has it (it is typically provided in containers, so you don’t get it yourself). Mud has been found to be beneficial for the skin, despite its consistency. Simply put, make the most of your trip because most of us don’t come here every year.
You can find some fantastic beaches and facilities at the Dead Sea because it is popular for both tourism and medical treatments. We can now move on to some tips you should use to have a better experience now that we’ve established that the Dead Sea adventure should be enjoyable rather than miserable.
Avoid Splashing
It’s not the most enjoyable memory I have from the Dead Sea trip, and there was no splashing. Obviously, following this advice is the simplest way to prevent getting water in your eyes. Spend some time entering the water slowly.
Leave the Red Sea alone if you intend to dive in. Additionally, you can cover your eyes with some old or cheap sunglasses to protect them from any accidental splashing.
Never Put Your Head Underwater
Although you might be tempted to submerge your face or even your entire head in the Dead Sea, we would strongly advise against it.
Rule number one while in the Dead Sea region is to keep your head above water. Although we don’t know who the first unfortunate person was who had to endure this experiment for science, we should all be grateful for their sacrifice.
So how can you enter the water safely and keep your head above the water’s surface without splashing? Everyone approaches swimming differently, so it never hurts to observe some experienced swimmers from the shore before making your first attempt.
You can try the approach we prefer. Once you’re about waist-deep in the water, begin to walk into the lake while imagining sitting on a chair. Slowly mimic the movement, and the extremely dense water should soon start to bear your weight and keep you from sinking.
You can also sort of crawl into the water and lay belly-first. Remember that it’s nearly impossible to keep your legs underwater in this position, making it a bit more advanced (and risky) technique.
Go Swimming In Designated Areas Only
Many people have drowned, despite people’s confusion as to how it is possible to perish in water that is so simple to float in.
You should only swim in designated areas where lifeguards are present because they are safer. The absence of sharks and other dangers is a plus. Except for tiny microorganisms, the Dead Sea is completely empty of life. So, is swimming in the Dead Sea safe? That’s up to you.
You can take a shower after you swim in the Dead Sea if you stay in designated swimming areas. If your skin has reacted negatively to the mineral-rich water, you may also need to rinse off the excess mud quickly.
Limit Your Time In The Water
You might discover that while you like the feeling of floating, you don’t want to stay in the water for too long. You should spend no longer than 10 to 15 minutes in the Dead Sea. Some people might not like it because it is a strange sensation to get used to.
Visit A Hotel Beach
There is still hope if your hotel does not have direct beach access to the Dead Sea. A small number of public beaches are accessible, but admission is still required. However, they lack the same amenities as the hotel beaches.
Day passes are available at some Dead Sea hotels. You may utilize their amenities for a fee. You must examine their prices to ascertain which offers the best value. Sometimes it’s cheaper to just spend the night.
Don’t Shave Before You Go
Wait until you are out of the Dead Sea area to shave unless you want to feel every cut and scratch on your body. It’s frequently advised to refrain from shaving for at least a few days prior to going swimming in the Dead Sea.
What if you fell the day before and scraped your elbow or knee? Is it going to hurt, or what if you have any open wounds or sores? It is not advised to swim there once more.
It will be extremely painful, even if you only have a few minor scratches. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worthwhile because everyone experiences pain differently. Remember that it is not an oxymoron to say “rubbing salt in a wound.” Even though it’s a cliché, it’s true.
Wear Beach Shoes
Your skin will become softer and simpler to cut after a brief period of immersion in the water. Some of the dried salt near the water’s edge may be rough and jagged.
In addition to being stony and rocky, the beach calls for beach shoes. They can become unbearably hot as well, which people frequently fail to realize. Keep an eye out for young children in particular, as they are more susceptible to foot burns.
Cover Yourself In Mud
What’s the point of going to the Dead Sea if you’re not going to get covered in mud? Don’t be afraid to get dirty! All the minerals are in the mud, which will make you feel better. Having said that, proceed with caution if you have sensitive skin. Take it slow and assess whether your skin can withstand being completely covered.

Wear Something Old
The aggressiveness of sea salt has already been mentioned throughout the article. Imagine that the Dead Sea concentrate is now ten times more potent. When going swimming in the Dead Sea, it is best to wear old, disposable clothing and equipment because sea salt ruins both.
The Earth won’t stop spinning if you don’t bring some old swimwear with you. Just be aware that after your trip to Israel, your possessions may not look exactly the same. Remember to rinse or wash your clothes and swimwear in freshwater afterward, regardless of their age and condition.
If you put some mud on yourself (and eventually your swimwear), the likelihood of leaving stains is much higher even though it will probably survive the contact with the water stain-free.
Additionally, if you frequently bring expensive jewelry on vacations, skip it this time. It is best to avoid wearing jewelry near the Dead Sea because it has a tendency to tarnish. Even though it is rumored that you should be able to clean it afterward, it is probably not worthwhile.
Protect Your Gear
Everyone wants a photo of their significant other, close friends, family members, or even themselves swimming in the Dead Sea, but this time it’s best to proceed with a little more caution.
When not in use, we prefer to keep our cameras, phones, or other beach-related equipment in a dry bag or day pack. Here at the Dead Sea, the issue is not just with your salty hands but also with the salt flakes in the air.
Try to safeguard your costly equipment whenever you can, as it doesn’t take much work.
Swimmers should leave their watches and smartwatches in the hotel room if they are unable to go without them while exercising. The Dead Sea has a very different level of salinity than the ocean, despite the manufacturers’ usual claims that their products can withstand seawater, so we wouldn’t risk using them there.
Staying Safe
You ought to take a lifeguard’s presence into consideration when selecting the best Dead Sea swimming location. The Dead Sea still allows for drowning despite the fact that floating there is extremely simple and you cannot sink.
Despite the fact that numerous blog posts assert it is impossible. At least two drownings in the Dead Sea were reported in records I discovered while researching this article. You might assume that was just a coincidence.
Another problem is that the northern portion of the Dead Sea is retreating by about a meter annually. Some of the shore’s former sinkholes now exist as a result of the lake’s shrinkage. And not all of them have yet become visible.
Travel Insurance
We never leave the house without travel insurance, which is intended to assist in helping to cover your costs if something goes wrong on your trip.
Don’t Forget To Take A Shower
As soon as you exit the water, rinse or wash any items you brought into the Dead Sea. If you don’t want stains or color changes in your clothes, it’s best not to wait too long. Additionally, it applies to your entire body as well as your equipment.
Although the salty water won’t stain you, it is still very aggressive, and you may start to feel it after a while. The salt particles you forgot to wash off will quickly remind you of this error if you have sensitive skin or, for example, some rash.
Best Time To Visit The Dead Sea
Summertime can be quite hot (30 to 40 degrees), and the beaches can be very crowded. While it may be too cold to swim during the winter.
The best seasons to swim in the Dead Sea are in the spring, from April to May, and in the fall, when it’s not too hot.