Because it is warm and comfortable there year-round, Myrtle Beach is a great place to spend your winter vacation. Now that winter is approaching, you can plan your winter vacation to Myrtle Beach after reading our post. In this article, we explore two ways to go to myrtle beach, please compare them and choose the one you like.
Myrtle Beach
There are 14 distinctive communities and 60 miles of gorgeous coastline in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, also known as The Beach. Explore expansive sandy beaches, lush natural wonders, breathtaking Atlantic Ocean sunrises, and exciting new adventures.
Myrtle Beach has warm sunshine and a comfortable climate year-round, making it ideal for outdoor activities and porch lounging.
Getting from Durham to Myrtle Beach by Car
From Durham, North Carolina, how far is Myrtle Beach? If you can drive the entire distance without stopping, then this is the quick response.
- Nonstop drive: 206 miles or 332 km
- Driving time: 3 hours, 23 minutes
In actuality, you should factor in a buffer for rest stops, fuel stops, and food stops.
Let’s imagine that you’re actually considering taking a road trip to Myrtle Beach and that you want to make a stop to explore. If you’re taking a real road trip, you might want to stop at some cool locations along the way or eat at a fantastic restaurant. Trippy is ideal for helping you meticulously plan your travel schedules.
- Road trip: 1 day of driving
We can calculate your overall travel time for this trip once the full itinerary is prepared.
- Travel time: 5 hours on the road
Durham, North Carolina, is where you begin.
Drive for about 33 minutes, then stop in Visit Raleigh for about an hour. Next, drive for another 38 minutes then stop at a simple twist for an hour. Drive for 1 hour then stop in Stay for one hour in Fayetteville (North Carolina).
Drive for 39 minutes then stop in Visit Lumberton (North Carolina) for one hour. Drive for 40 minutes then stop in Whiteville and remain there for an hour. Drive for 1 hour then stop for a one-hour stay in North Myrtle Beach.
Finally, drive for about 25 minutes and arrive in Myrtle Beach.
Getting from Durham to Myrtle Beach by Plane

Now imagine you have a private jet and can travel between Durham, North Carolina, and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in the shortest amount of time possible. Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the “great circle” distance, or “as the crow flies” which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula.
Flight distance: 159 miles or 256 km
Flight time: 49 minutes
The driving distance is approximately 1.3 times that of the flight because flying in a straight line is 47 miles shorter than driving on roads.
The flight takes about one-fourth as long as driving because your plane travels more quickly than a car.
Although the private flight is only a short distance away, you might be considering making a reservation for a commercial flight. In that case, you would actually need to factor in how long it takes you to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, fly to the other airport, and then arrive there.
Getting from Durham to Myrtle Beach by Bus
The 400 km bus trip from Durham to Myrtle Beach takes about 6 hours and 45 minutes. Included in this is an approximately two-hour layover on average. The Durham to Myrtle Beach bus service, run by Greyhound USA and Southeastern Stages, travels from Durham to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Seven buses typically run each week, though check ahead of time for weekend and holiday schedules.